NEWS / strategy

Free to Play Tips - Provided by Ben QQ (AS9-10128)


Hi bro, I am a free player. I didn't top up much, just took the first recharge prize. I will share my experience playing this dynasty scrolls game. For friends who would like to play for free and get high power, one of the keys is "patient".


This game is one of the most bonus games from the start: gift code, prizes run the story, and many others that you can achieve in this game. 


Strategies for friends who play for free: 


1. Power Up

Look at the power-up icon on the left after recycle, there you can see which one must come first for you to achieve.  


2. Gacha 

For free players, you can save and buy the 1 day 1 token which is a 50% discount on recruit and divine weapons. Keep in mind that it's better to save your tokens and use them during the event. Because it will minimize the use of the gold you have.  


3. additional opportunities 

Buy all additional opportunities from stamina, side quests, arenas, behemoth, treasure hunt & expeditions, or you can see on the character icon the info you can buy right away, there is a + sign. 


4. combo charm 

For this charm combo, you can buy charms at the Behemoth shop and you can also get free charms from the side quests you are on.  


5. Beast 

Run the beast mission to get soul beasts, so you can collect the beasts you want. And don't forget to buy the beast pills to upgrade the beast level. Buying the cheapest beast pill is right. There is an event that can be obtained only in the daily beast mission. 


6. Wing 

In the Arm Race event, free players can use your ingots to buy a chance to get 1 wing feather. That's about 5000 ingots. Or you can collect it from the wish shop. If you already have the wings you want, don't forget to refine them since the wing power is very high. 


That's all I can give to my free player friends. Don't forget "PATIENCE" & "SAVING", that is the key to succeed in doing anything, both in this world and in the game.